[This is something that I posted last year around this time. I thought it would be good to bring back--think of it as a "refresher course".]
Congratulations! You are reading your first set of [important] notes for the academic year. With the school year starting, I wanted to share a list of good and bad habits of which to be aware.
Bad Habit: Skipping Class
Good Habit: Attending Class
Please don’t think that when you graduated high school, you graduated from the classroom altogether. JUST GO TO CLASS, it’s a small percentage of your week, and the return on your investment will be much greater if you are utilizing the tools your precious penny purchased.
Bad Habit: Wearing pajamas to class
For your reputations sake, please don’t roll out of bed and wear your pajamas to class. If you need to wear something comfortable, at least make it match!
Good Habit: Dressing with style
You may be pressed for time, or just too tired to fix up for the 9am class-- that’s understandable. But, always remember that you are making impressions with what you wear (whether you realize it or not). Just look like you care!
Check out some of my favorite places for trendy [and inexpensive for the normal student] fashion!
American Eagle Outfitters
American Eagle Outfitters
.Bad Habit: Becoming a couch potato
It can be agreed that everyone needs rest and relaxation, but when it becomes excessive, then it becomes a problem. Becoming lazy can hinder physical, as well as mental, activity.
It can be agreed that everyone needs rest and relaxation, but when it becomes excessive, then it becomes a problem. Becoming lazy can hinder physical, as well as mental, activity.
Good Habit: Getting involved
Being involved in activities is a great way to meet many (often ambitious and successful) people, as well as to stay academically motivated. Whether it is getting involved in the Greek community (college goers) or academic organizations, it’s a smart way to enhance your academic experience! Not only does getting involved allow you to build a network, but it also provides resume-builders (a must-have for the future).
Bad Habit: Becoming disorganized
If you are given a date, it’s probably for an important reason. If you are given an assignment, it’s probably on an important topic. Losing track of these items can result in stressful situations.
Good Habit: Staying organized Even if you are not the organized type, small steps can make a huge difference when it comes to balancing due dates and deadlines. Consider purchasing an inexpensive planner, or other desk materials to help keep your life on track.
An article on organization in college--definitely, a great resource!
Organization in College Article
If you are looking for some ideas on where to find cute organizational items for your desk or work area, check out Organize.com. It has everything you could ever need! If you are looking for a less expensive route, check out Walmart or Target!
Bad Habit: Overwhelming Yourself
It is easy to take on too much during the academic year. Whether it is sports, a job, a second job, or simply focusing on your studies, not managing your time correctly can lead to stress, or even more serious problems.
Good Habit: Utilizing Time Management
It is easy to take on too much during the academic year. Whether it is sports, a job, a second job, or simply focusing on your studies, not managing your time correctly can lead to stress, or even more serious problems.
Good Habit: Utilizing Time Management
As you begin to juggle multiple activities, efficient time management is very helpful. Balance work and school, but be sure to plan in a social life! It is important to have fun – but not TOO much fun, just as it is to work hard, but not to work TOO hard.

Compromise once and it becomes easy to fall into that pattern. Make every grade count.
Good Habit: Think about your GPA
One semester thrown out can hurt an entire GPA. No one should stress about it, but should definitely be conscious of the academic decisions made.
Check out these 10 Highly Effective Study Habits. -- GREAT tips!
Bad Habit: Eating food for convenience instead of nutrition
Good Habit: Maintaining (or beginning) a healthy diet
Don't freak out on the word "diet". I am simply suggesting that instead of barreling down those lanes of convenient food choices, take your health into consideration. Stay away from the Freshman 15.
These are great guidelines when it comes to choosing which foods to eat, as well as easy substitutions. College Eating and Fitness 101
Most importantly, ENJOY YOUR YEAR! Make it memorable, make amazing new friends, and have tons of fun. I wish you all a successful academic year!
Good Habit: Maintaining (or beginning) a healthy diet
Don't freak out on the word "diet". I am simply suggesting that instead of barreling down those lanes of convenient food choices, take your health into consideration. Stay away from the Freshman 15.
These are great guidelines when it comes to choosing which foods to eat, as well as easy substitutions. College Eating and Fitness 101
Most importantly, ENJOY YOUR YEAR! Make it memorable, make amazing new friends, and have tons of fun. I wish you all a successful academic year!