Many of you are worn down, and tired. Whether it's children, spouses, jobs, friends, or whatever, life is tiring. I recently had a conversation with a dear friend, and she reminded me of something very important. It is not the amount of faith you have that's important, it's the object of that faith. During the past couple of weeks, I haven't even had the energy to have a strong conversation with God.
I was driving in my car a few days ago, feeling like I was on my last limb. I remembered what my friend had said... so I simply whispered to God, "Help." I was so tired and worn, that help was the only word I could come up with. However, He knows my situation, He knows my need, and He knows that my faith is in Him. It was a blessing to know that I didn't have to have a long speech or prayer of my faith, because He already knew that my faith, even though weak and feeble, was in His strength.
Turning faith away from myself, and toward Him helped me to make it through a difficult couple of weeks. If you are struggling with something--anything--put your faith in God. Even if it's just the size of a mustard seed. I wish you all a great week, and I hope to be back on here soon!
Thanks for reading.